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Great Skua (Stercorarius skua) - Grand labbe 11756
Great Skua (Stercorarius skua) - Grand labbe 11756

02.06.2024, 08:55

Image précédente:
Canongate Tolbooth, Edinburgh, Scotland - Edimbourg - 16140  
 Image suivante:
Castle Hill, Edinburgh, Scotland - Edimbourg, Ecosse - 19050

Castle Hill, Edinburgh, Scotland - Edimbourg, Ecosse - 19049
Castle Hill, Edinburgh, Scotland  - Edimbourg, Ecosse - 19049


Castle Hill, Edinburgh, Scotland - Edimbourg, Ecosse - 19049
Description: 19049 - Format: 35mm, velvia film - Castle Hill, Edinburgh. The castle stands on the basalt core of an extinct volcano and is an impressive sight towering over the city. There are no reliable records before the 11th century but Edinburgh takes its name from the Northumbrian King Edwin who probably built the first fortress on the site in the 6th century. - Le chateau est perché sur les restes d'un volcan éteint, et domine orgueilleusement la ville. La première forteresse sur ce site fut certainement édifiée par le roi de Northumbrie Edwin au VIe S.
Mots-clés: Castle, Scotland, UK, Europe, Ecosse, History, Histoire, Chateau, Edinburgh, Edimbourg, Architecture, Historic, Building, Batiment, Britain, Scottish, GB
Image précédente:
Canongate Tolbooth, Edinburgh, Scotland - Edimbourg - 16140  
 Image suivante:
Castle Hill, Edinburgh, Scotland - Edimbourg, Ecosse - 19050


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