Scotland book |
This book (Ecosse, de roc et de brumes, by Patrick Dieudonné), published in 2015, and much appreciated since (5 stars on Amazon) is no longer distributed in the conventional commercial network (Fnac, Amazon, booksellers), due to the bankruptcy of its publisher (Palantines editions) ... but you can still find this rare book from the author. It is available for sale for 50.00 EUR, shipping costs included for France and other European countries. Payment only by Paypal (ask for an invoice by email, you must have a Paypal account). Be sure to include your shipping address in your email.
International campaign for Zenith watches - photographer's interview - July 2013 |
I recently had the honor of seeing three of my nature images selected by the prestigious famous Swiss watchmaker Zenith (member of the LVMH group) for a new communication campaign 2013-2014. A communication that combines timeless landscape and superb watches in a unique form. As part of this campaign in Zenith Spirit magazine, a joint interview with the Director of Marketing and Communications Zenith, Juliette North, allows me to express some of my ideas about landscape photography. Good reading ! Download the PDF in english
Eagles in Winter trip report - Bulgaria |
A trip report about our last Spatia Wildlife - Voyages et Nature trip, guided by Dobry Domuschiev and Patrick Dieudonné for Eagles and Pelicans in wintertime (February 2013) is here (in french for the moment)
Natura 2000 in Lorraine, the book - Posted January 8, 2012 |
A set of three volumes, richly illustrated, is now available on natural habitats, species, and sites protected by the Natura 2000 program in Lorraine. This major work was coordinated primarily by F. Schwaab and S. Muller. The book appears under the auspices of the DREAL Lorraine. I contributed to the illustration of the "Species" volume, which about half is devoted to birds, along with other photographers A. Audevard, F. Cahez, D. Collin, H. Michel, M. and V. Munier, with about 20 pictures including a dozen full-page (Slavonian Grebe, Lesser Spotted and Spotted Eagle, Crakes, Black Stork, Purple Heron, Black-winged Stilt, etc.) |
Portfolio galleries - Posted 8th of January, 2012 |
Setting up of a new Portfolio gallery: Faroe Islands (66 photos). Lost in the North Atlantic between Norway and Iceland, it is a place rarely visited. The scenery is truly spectacular however (the islands were chosen as "the most beautiful islands in the world" by the National Geographic in 2008), but the weather, admittedly, is often daunting. I visited almost all the islands over a period of about one month, with plenty of time to really "feel" the places and local features (traditional wooden architecture, museums, etc). Other Portfolio galleries have been recently updated: Iceland, Scotland, Meuse, I invite you to visit them.